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Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme

Join the switch to better broadband.

Government backed Gigabit Vouchers

Project Gigabit is the UK government’s programme to enable hard-to-reach communities to access lightning-fast gigabit-capable broadband. The fast, reliable connections delivered by Project Gigabit will benefit mostly rural and remote communities across the UK.

As a registered supplier of the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme, we’re able to provide free standard installation of a new gigabit capable broadband service to eligible residential and business customers.*

What is a Gigabit Voucher?

A Gigabit Voucher is issued by BDUK (Building Digital UK) and is available to all eligible customers signed up to a new gigabit capable broadband service just like ours at Voneus. When claimed, it provides Voneus or another eligible supplier with up to £4500 towards the cost of the installation of your new service.

If you’ve registered your interest with Voneus and you’re eligible for a voucher, our team will be in touch to explain the next steps as soon as it is time to order.

Claiming your voucher is easy

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    Our team will contact you if you’re eligible for a voucher. If you operate a business from your home, it would be really helpful to let us know about this when we chat, as we may be able to upgrade to a business voucher.

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    We will request the voucher on your behalf. You will then receive an email from BDUK asking you to confirm the details provided and accept the terms and conditions of the voucher scheme. Please make sure you do this within 28 days of us requesting the voucher for you.

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    Sit tight and wait for us to contact you again to let you know when you're ready for install. We will contact you to arrange a suitable time.

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    Once your install is complete and your service is up and running you will receive another email from BDUK asking you to confirm the completion of your broadband installation and validate your voucher. You have just 28 days to validate or the voucher will be void.

Not eligible?

Don’t worry! If you’re not eligible for a Gigabit Voucher, we will still install your broadband for free.* But by claiming the vouchers where possible, we can build to more and more communities and ensure no one gets left behind.

Join the switch to better broadband.


Emails from BDUK will come from the email address Please make sure you also check your junk email folders.  

Yes. Simply follow the link on the email to access the platform. You will be provided with a secure 6 digit code and will need to use the email address you supplied for the voucher to gain access.

Unfortunately, if you do not confirm the voucher within 28 days of our request, we will need to submit an additional request and start the process again. If the voucher is not validated within 28 days of install we lose the funding completely, so it’s really important to validate within the 28 day period. Where vouchers are not validated within the 28 day period a charge may apply.

Yes, obviously we don’t want to lose the funding or have to restart the process so we will be in contact to remind you of the need to confirm and validate.

No. Building full fibre networks is costly and securing the voucher funding is helpful to support the cost of our build, but even where a customer is not eligible for a voucher we will still not charge you for a standard installation. Where a non-standard installation is required an additional charge may be incurred but we would discuss this with you and provide a quote before anything is confirmed.

That depends on the type of business, but usually we need to supply a UTR number for sole traders or a company number if registered. For partnerships we can supply a partnership UTR or VAT number. Charities can also be eligible with a charity number. We may also need additional proof of trading from the address such as a utility bill. Our team can discuss the requirements and options with you.

No, you can still choose a residential package if this better suits your needs. It will not affect the voucher application.

If for any reason you are unhappy with your service after installation and feel you are not ready to validate the voucher please talk to us. We can work together to resolve your issues and fix any problems you may be having.

Occasionally, BDUK will ask to audit a proportion of the vouchers we have applied for to ensure everything meets their requirements. If you are contacted by BDUK’s third party auditors (Campbell and Kennedy) it simply means a representative from them will arrange to come and inspect the installation of your service at a suitable time.

Additional information

Want to find out more? These websites may be able to help you:


Project Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme:

*Free standard installation. Where non-standard installation occurs, additional charges may apply.

What is Full Fibre?

Learn about installation